Ordinary People (1980)

Ordinary People (1980)

Ordinary People (1980)

Beth, Calvin, and their son Conrad are living in the aftermath of the death of the other son. Conrad is overcome by grief and misplaced guilt to the extent of a suicide attempt. He is in therapy. Beth had always preferred his brother and is having difficulty being supportive to Conrad. Calvin is trapped between the two trying to hold the family together.

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  • Groftaalgebruik


Blood Simple (1984)
Classic Special

Blood Simple (1984)

The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues.

Preview: Inside Out (Ov/NL)

Preview: Inside Out (Ov/NL)

Riley is nu een brugger en moet met opwellende hormonen en een cordon aan nieuwe emoties, waaronder ‘angstigheid’, een steeds grotere wereld met ingewikkelde tegenstellingen zien te navigeren.

Cry-Baby Cinema
Cry-Baby Cinema Special

Cry-Baby Cinema

Je bent weer welkom om met je baby naar de film te gaan tijdens Cry-Baby Cinema in KINO! Nu hoef je geen film meer te missen én kan de filmopvoeding van je zoontje of dochter ook al beginnen.