- Kijkwijzer 16
- Drugs
- Geweld
- Groftaalgebruik
- Seks
The virtual city of Oz allows anyone to access the Internet at any time, for information, to pay bills or play games online. In his spare time, Japanese high-school student Kenji works as a maintenance computer programmer for Oz. When Natsuki, the girl with whom he is secretly in love, invites him to go to Nagano for a few days for a family party, he promptly accepts. The night after the banquet, Kenji has gone to bed when he receives a strange email on his mobile phone that contains numbers and the following message: Decode me! Piqued by this challenge to his mathematical abilities, although still half-asleep, he tries to work out the puzzle and solves it. Next morning he learns that his avatar is wanted by the authorities.